The Scary Truth About Costume Contact Lenses

This Halloween you may have seen some spooky contact lenses. Costume contact lenses, also known as cosmetic or decorative contacts, are lenses that change how your eyes look by altering the eye’s color or pupil shape. Even though they may be advertised as cosmetic accessories, please keep in mind that all contact lenses are considered medical devices by the FDA – this means they require a prescription and proper fitting by an eye care professional, and proper care by the wearer. Purchasing contact lenses without a prescription is illegal in the United States. Only buy costume contacts from retailers who ask for a prescription and sell FDA-approved lenses – not from the gas station down the street, your nearest beauty salon or pop-up Halloween shop. Some cosmetic lenses have been found to be counterfeit or even re-packaged, which is not sterile and could contaminate your eye. Furthermore, one study found costume lenses that tested positive for chlorine and other harmful chemicals that may originate from the paint and pigments used to tint and create patterns on the lenses.

Contact lenses are not “one size fits all” but rather designed to fit the unique curvature and size of your eye. They require training to insert and remove, as well as proper cleaning, disinfecting and storage.  Poorly fitting lenses and improper use can cause a scratch (corneal abrasion) or painful sores on the eye (corneal ulcers) that can lead to scarring and permanent vision loss if left untreated. Open scratches and sores can make you vulnerable to serious bacterial or viral eye infections.  Lenses that fit too tight on the eye could be difficult to remove and cause symptoms like redness, pain, and swelling… which doesn’t sound like a night of fun.

Beware of the risks with costume contact lenses so your Halloween doesn’t turn into a nightmare!

Dr. Rachel


  1. Great reminder! Costume contact lenses may look fun, but the risks aren’t worth it. A proper prescription and fit are essential to avoid serious infections, corneal damage, or even vision loss. Always buy FDA-approved lenses from reputable sources. Eye health should never be compromised for a costume.


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