No, special glasses do not help people that are colorblind.


Many of you have probably seen the viral videos of colorblind kids putting on glasses and seeing colors for the first time. They are emotional and we want it to be true. Here is one from ABC news. 

Colorblind kid sees colors for first time

Well, there is no doubt that the kid will see things "differently" than before, but that is much different than actually perceiving color the way most people do. Color vision defects happen due to genetics on the X chromosome that you inherit from your mother. Wearing a lens that simply filters light does nothing to change this. Also, there are many variations of color vision deficiency. How can one pair of glasses know which colors to correct? Also, how does someone who has never seen color normal even know they are seeing color normal?

Well, finally science to the rescue. These folks proved it was not possible. 

Science for the win

It makes for a good story and also greases the wheels for Go Fund Me accounts but ultimately these are a scam. I have no doubt the child sees things differently with the colored glasses just as you or I would with a pair of colored lenses, but again that is not the same as restoration of color vision. 

Now, the videos of babies putting on glasses for the first time and seeing. Those are legit. 

Baby sees mom

Have a good weekend everyone!

Dr. Jason


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