Lizzy Moats



I was born and raised in Knoxville, and went to college at UNI. I graduated in May of 2020 with my bachelor's degree and moved back to Knoxville with my husband, Nick, who is also from Knoxville. Nick and I will be married two years in January. Both of our families are local, which is such a blessing. In July, we got our pup Watson. He's a Lab/Great Pyrenees mix who is currently 47 pounds and just over four months old. He's the most adorable big baby. We also had a little niece born at the beginning of September who we can't wait to spoil.

I enjoy reading, especially fantasy, WWII memoirs, and Christian fiction. Many can attest that I bring a book with me EVERYWHERE. I also love watching tv (anything by the CW) curled up underneath a cozy blanket with a candle burning next to me and hammocking when it's nice out. 

I began working here at Eye Health Solutions in June in the patient care area, so you will see me at the front desk. I'm smiling behind my mask, I promise.

We asked Lizzy a few questions for everyone to get to know a little about her!

1. What is your proudest accomplishment?

  • My proudest accomplishment is being able to graduate from college, buy a house, and a dog (all in the time of Rona) all before turning 22. My husband and I are also on track to have our student loans paid off by December.

2. What is the greatest book of all time that you have read?

  • I don't think I'll ever have a "greatest book of all time." I really think any book can be the greatest book if you read it at the right point in your life, but I've loved The Book Theif, The Harry Potter series, and Redeeming Love.

3. Do you have peeves? And if so, what pet's them?

  • As an English major, naturally I have a big grammar pet peeve: when people say "I could care less instead of I couldn't care less" Drives me nuts! Also, I hate hate hate the sound of styrofoam. 

4. How many pillows do you sleep with?

  •  I use one pillow for my head and one long body pillow to cuddle.

5. What is your favorite kind of foreign food?

  • OOOH Chinese food! Especially a good crab rangoon


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