Diet and Age Related Macular Degeneration

Happy New Year! It is the start of a new year and people are making their resolutions and reflecting on the past year. One of the common resolutions I hear is to be healthier by exercising more and eating better. The British Journal of Ophthalmology published a study on dietary choices and the development of eye disease. The study was published in December 2019.  The eye disease studied was age related macular degeneration, AMD for short. In my world we have known that diet is a risk factor for years, and talk to patients daily about it. The study showed that the standard american diet, SAD for short, was linked to increase risk in development of AMD.

I think we all understand that better lifestyle choices can help prevent cardiovascular disease and protect your heart. This study shows that we should also be eating well to protect our vision as we age and prevent blindness.

Dr. Jason


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